Take our book quiz and win!

It’s time to get swept up into a whole other universe. Don’t you love the feeling of having a book in your hands and go on a new adventure? It’s Book Lovers Day, so tune out the noise around you and be the lead character of your own LifePoints story.  To celebrate this day, we’ve put together a book quiz for you. Answer all the questions correctly and get the chance to win a $100 Amazon voucher to spend on your favorite authors – or anything else you’d like.

Take our book quiz and win!

It’s time to get swept up into a whole other universe. Don’t you love the feeling of having a book in your hands and go on a new adventure?

It’s Book Lovers Day, so tune out the noise around you and be the lead character of your own LifePoints story.

To celebrate this day, we’ve put together a book quiz for you. Answer all the questions correctly and get the chance to win a $100 Amazon voucher to spend on your favorite authors – or anything else you’d like.

This campaign will be live until midnight on 08/09/2019. Test your literary skills before this chapter is over or the quiz will turn into a pumpkin!




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