Exciting news! We have recently updated our rewards catalogue to introduce Netflix e-gift cards, now available on LifePoints!
Ready to redeem? No worries if not. We've got loads of surveys for you to earn BIG. Log in now to earn more LPs!
Mother's Day is coming up! Let's appreciate our moms and the women who have been like a mom to us!
Who knows, maybe your opinions will help perfect the ultimate gift for her in time for next Mother's Day! Sign in to check your balance and take more surveys to boost your LPs.
St Patrick's day is around the corner and so is a reason to celebrate and have fun. Let's add the LifePoints surveys and the great rewards you can get for them to the mix, while we're waiting for the green celebrations.
Check your LifePoints balance, check for surveys and treat yourself to a reward now. Use your opinions to influence all sorts of products and services you love - even the St Paddy's offers you get in your local supermarket.
February marks the arrival of Black History Month, an annual observance of the rich cultural heritage and achievements of African Americans in the United States. From Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s leadership during the Civil Rights movement, to the courageous actions of fearless activists like Rosa Parks, Black Americans have continually stood at the forefront of defending human rights and equal justice under the law.
It's a new day, a new year to make a difference.
January, 1st! It's an ordinary day, except with extraordinary promise. We wish you a beautiful year full of happiness, health, peace and - you guessed it, lots of surveys and rewards.
We're looking forward to hearing your opinions on all sorts of things, so surveys await! Maybe your next festive gift or meal will include something you helped develop with your survey responses. 😉