Complete the missing lyric for the chance to win $15 of LifePoints!
At first I was afraid, I was ________
Kept thinking I could never live without you by my side.
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One lucky random LifePoints member will win! GOOD LUCK!
Which number is the treasure behind? Have a guess on this Facebook post for the chance to win $25 worth of LifePoints!
Go to our Facebook Page, like our page (if you haven't already) and make your prediction!
One lucky random LifePoints member will win! GOOD LUCK!
Which number safe is the treasure behind? Guess here for the chance to win $25 worth of LifePoints!
Go to our Facebook Page, like our page (if you haven't already) and make your prediction!
One lucky random LifePoints member will win! GOOD LUCK!
Which number is the treasure behind? Have a guess on this Facebook post for the chance to win $25 worth of LifePoints!
Go to our Facebook Page, like our page (if you haven't already) and make your prediction!