We’ve partnered with some of the biggest retailers to provide our community with outstanding rewards.
LifePoints is a community of over 5,000,000 members from all over the world.
I have got a quick and helpfull response. Thanks a lot.
Great Customer Support and best survey ever
The information obtained was satisfactory… Great!!!
LifePoints is the real. I enjoy receiving gift cards. It allows me more cash for my weed. 420 APPROVED
I have been a member of Lifepoints for many years and have enjoyed the rewards. I have recently experienced a problem accessing two surveys that arrived in the wrong language. Upon reporting the problem, I quickly received a personalized reply telling me what to try. It is, however, assumed to be a
Good fast response after a technical problem
Our Community is home to an exciting group of like-minded consumers who share a passion for building a better world and experiencing the value of their opinions. We have members from over 40 countries, shaping how the world will look tomorrow and for years to come.
As a LifePoints Community member, you will be able to complete surveys, take part in games, competitions and free giveaways.